Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week 4 - We Have a First Floor!

Before we get started, I want to know if having a red dumpster bin in your front yard means you are now considered "trailer trash?!?!?"

On more positive news fronts . . . We chose tiles for the two bathrooms. We weren't too brave on the color scheme, staying with neutral tones but venturing into different textures and tile layouts. Although even as I write this, I'm thinking of revisiting the tile store to rethink the choice for the first floor bathroom. That BR won't have a window and I think our choice is too dark.

So now that we can "walk the floor" we've begun to imagine furniture layouts and such. We are lamenting a bit that we weren't able to make the addition wider by two feet (county restrictions about how far from the property line you could build). The room won't be as large as we had intended. However, it will be a wonderful addition, especially since we're getting two full BRs and a master bedroom with a huge walk-in closet. Yippee!

Oh--new rule. NO DOGS NOT ON LEASHES ALLOWED in new addition. That's meant mainly for our own unruly mutt Meister.


Anonymous said...

Yeah for you both! I know how excited you must be. I cannot wait to visit the new homestead. AKR

Anonymous said...

We could have an oldfashioned hoe-down on that new floor.:) TN

Anonymous said...

Party-On! This is so cool. I'm going to have to reroute myself so I can just drive by and see the progress. Da Incs

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Looks like good quality wood. As you've probably heard, the EPA and various health groups caution against using particleboard and other composites that contain formaldehyde in the glue. (There were many complaints and a govt. investigation about the use of this junk in the trailers used by Katrina victims.) Hope you solve the tile color question soon.
The dumpster actually looks pretty neat - not "trashy" at all!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the party is at your house! This is fun- sharing your life at a distance. How was your trip to SC? JW