Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week Whatever!

. . . I've lost track of the weeks! All I know is today is August 15 and I'm going back to school next Monday. Not another word on THAT subject--please!
. . . Anyway, here's the addition from our Southview neighbor's point-of-view. As you can see, there are lots of windows on the side. The roof is now on and today they are putting the felt on it. Tomorrow the electric company arrives to bury the wires (promises, promises) so that the final exterior shell can be finished. Then on to the fun stuff--like breaking through the two walls of the house to connect the addition to the original house.

. . . No new pictures of the genius granddaughter, but here's another video I took of Anna on my last visit. You can always visit her at Chris and Missy's Blogspot, too.
. . . This week Anna and Missy are in Georgia with Chris to follow on Friday. Anna was sick all last week with a fever varying between 100˚ and 104˚. She finally broke that trend on Saturday, but I hear Missy is a bit under the weather now, so I hope their visit to Missy's family is going well.

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